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Even well-formed HTML pages are harder to process than they should be because of the lack of structure. You have to figure out where the section breaks go by analyzing header levels. Sidebars, footers, headers, navigation menus, main content sections, and individual stories are marked up by the catch-all div element. HTML 5 adds new elements to specifically identify each of these common constructs:
  • section: A part or chapter in a book, a section in a chapter, or essentially anything that has its own heading in HTML 4
  • header: The page header shown on the page; not the same as the head element
  • footer: The page footer where the fine print goes; the signature in an e-mail message
  • nav: A collection of links to other pages
  • article: An independent entry in a blog, magazine, compendium, and so forth

New Elements in HTML5

The following elements have been introduced for better structure:
  • section represents a generic document or application section. It can be used together with the h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6 elements to indicate the document structure.
  • article represents an independent piece of content of a document, such as a blog entry or newspaper article.
  • main can be used as a container for the dominant contents of another element, such as the main content of the page. In W3C HTML5 and W3C HTML 5.1, only one such element is allowed in a document.
  • aside represents a piece of content that is only slightly related to the rest of the page.
  • In WHATWG HTML, hgroup represents the header of a section.
  • header represents a group of introductory or navigational aids.
  • footer represents a footer for a section and can contain information about the author, copyright information, etc.
  • nav represents a section of the document intended for navigation.
  • figure represents a piece of self-contained flow content, typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document.
     <video src="example.webm" controls></video>
    figcaption can be used as caption (it is optional).
Then there are several other new elements:
  • video and audio for multimedia content. Both provide an API so application Web developers can script their own user interface, but there is also a way to trigger a user interface provided by the user agent. source elements are used together with these elements if there are multiple streams available of different types.
  • track provides text tracks for the video element.
  • embed is used for plugin content.
  • mark represents a run of text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to its relevance in another context.
  • progress represents a completion of a task, such as downloading or when performing a series of expensive operations.
  • meter represents a measurement, such as disk usage.
  • time represents a date and/or time.
  • WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1 has data, which allows content to be annotated with a machine-readable value.
  • dialog for showing a dialog.
  • ruby, rt, and rp allow for marking up ruby annotations.
  • bdi represents a span of text that is to be isolated from its surroundings for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting.
  • wbr represents a line break opportunity.
  • canvas is used for rendering dynamic bitmap graphics on the fly, such as graphs or games.
  • menuitem represents a command the user can invoke from a popup menu.
  • details represents additional information or controls which the user can obtain on demand. The summary element provides its summary, legend, or caption.
  • datalist together with the a new list attribute for input can be used to make comboboxes:
    <input list="browsers">
    <datalist id="browsers">
     <option value="Safari">
     <option value="Internet Explorer">
     <option value="Opera">
     <option value="Firefox">
  • keygen represents control for key pair generation.
  • output represents some type of output, such as from a calculation done through scripting.
The input element’s type attribute now has the following new values:
The idea of these new types is that the user agent can provide the user interface, such as a calendar date picker or integration with the user’s address book, and submit a defined format to the server. It gives the user a better experience as his input is checked before sending it to the server meaning there is less time to wait for feedback.

New Attributes

Several attributes have been introduced to various elements that were already part of HTML4:
  • The a and area elements have the new download attribute in WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1. WHATWG HTML also has the ping attribute.
  • The area element, for consistency with the a and link elements, now also has the hreflang, type and rel attributes.
  • The base element can now have a target attribute as well, mainly for consistency with the a element. (This is already widely supported.)
  • The meta element has a charset attribute now as this was already widely supported and provides a nice way to specify the character encoding for the document.
  • In WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1, the table element now has a sortable attribute and the th element has a sorted attribute, which provide a means to sort table columns.
  • A new autofocus attribute can be specified on the input (except when the type attribute is hidden), select, textarea and button elements. It provides a declarative way to focus a form control during page load. Using this feature should enhance the user experience compared to focusing the element with script as the user can turn it off if the user does not like it, for instance.
  • A new placeholder attribute can be specified on the input and textarea elements. It represents a hint intended to aid the user with data entry.
    <input type=email placeholder="">
  • The new form attribute for input, output, select, textarea, button, label, object and fieldset elements allows for controls to be associated with a form. These elements can now be placed anywhere on a page, not just as descendants of the form element, and still be associated with a form.
      <td><form id=1><input name=1-key></form>
      <td><input form=1 name=1-value>
      <td><button form=1 name=1-action value=save>✓</button>
          <button form=1 name=1-action value=delete>✗</button>
  • The new required attribute applies to input (except when the type attribute is hidden, image or some button type such as submit), select and textarea. It indicates that the user has to fill in a value in order to submit the form. For select, the first option element has to be a placeholder with an empty value.
    <label>Color: <select name=color required>
     <option value="">Choose one
  • The fieldset element now allows the disabled attribute which disables all descendant controls (excluding those that are descendants of the legend element) when specified, and the name attribute which can be used for script access.
  • The input element has several new attributes to specify constraints: autocomplete, min, max, multiple, pattern and step. As mentioned before it also has a new list attribute which can be used together with the datalist element. It also now has the width and height attributes to specify the dimensions of the image when using type=image.
  • The input and textarea elements have a new attribute named dirname that causes the directionality of the control as set by the user to be submitted as well.
  • The textarea element also has two new attributes, maxlength and wrap which control max input length and submitted line wrapping behavior, respectively.
  • The form element has a novalidate attribute that can be used to disable form validation submission (i.e. the form can always be submitted).
  • The input and button elements have formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, and formtarget as new attributes. If present, they override the action, enctype,method, novalidate, and target attributes on the form element.
  • In WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1, the input and textarea have an inputmode attribute.
  • The menu element has two new attributes: type and label. They allow the element to transform into a menu as found in typical user interfaces as well as providing for context menus in conjunction with the global contextmenu attribute.
  • In WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1, the button element has a new menu attribute, used together with popup menus.
  • The style element has a new scoped attribute which can be used to enable scoped style sheets. Style rules within such a style element only apply to the local tree.
  • The script element has a new attribute called async that influences script loading and execution.
  • The html element has a new attribute called manifest that points to an application cache manifest used in conjunction with the API for offline Web applications.
  • The link element has a new attribute called sizes. It can be used in conjunction with the icon relationship (set through the rel attribute; can be used for e.g. favicons) to indicate the size of the referenced icon, thus allowing for icons of distinct dimensions.
  • The ol element has a new attribute called reversed. When present, it indicates that the list order is descending.
  • The iframe element has three new attributes called sandbox, seamless, and srcdoc which allow for sandboxing content, e.g. blog comments.
  • The object element has a new attribute called typemustmatch which allows safer embedding of external resources.
  • The img element has a new attribute called crossorigin to use CORS in the fetch and if it is successful, allows the image data to be read with the canvas API. In WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1, the script element has a crossorigin attribute to allow script errors to be reported to onerror with information about the error. WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1 also has the crossorigin attribute on the link element.
  • In WHATWG HTML, the img element has a new attribute called srcset to support multiple images for different resolutions and different images for different viewport sizes.
Several attributes from HTML4 now apply to all elements. These are called global attributes: accesskey, class, dir, id, lang, style, tabindex and title. Additionally, XHTML 1.0 only allowed xml:space on some elements, which is now allowed on all elements in XHTML documents.
There are also several new global attributes:
  • The contenteditable attribute indicates that the element is an editable area. The user can change the contents of the element and manipulate the markup.
  • The contextmenu attribute can be used to point to a context menu provided by the Web developer.
  • The data-* collection of Web developer-defined attributes. Web developers can define any attribute they want as long as they prefix it with data- to avoid clashes with future versions of HTML. These are intended to be used to store custom data to be consumed by the Web page or application itself. They are not intended for data to be consumed by other parties (e.g. user agents).
  • The draggable and dropzone attributes can be used together with the new drag & drop API.
  • The hidden attribute indicates that an element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
  • WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5.1 has the inert attribute, intended to make dialog elements modal.
  • The role and aria-* collection attributes which can be used to instruct assistive technology. These attributes have slightly different requirements in WHATWG HTML and W3C HTML5/W3C HTML5.1.
  • The spellcheck attribute allows for hinting whether content can be checked for spelling or not.
  • The translate attribute gives a hint to translators whether the content should be translated.
HTML also makes all event handler attributes from HTML4, which take the form onevent, global attributes and adds several new event handler attributes for new events it defines; for instance, the onplay event handler attribute for the play event which is used by the API for the media elements (video and audio).

Content Model

The content model is what defines how elements may be nested — what is allowed as children (or descendants) of a certain element.
At a high level, HTML4 had two major categories of elements, “inline” (e.g. span, img, text), and “block-level” (e.g. div, hr, table). Some elements did not fit in either category.
Some elements allowed “inline” elements (e.g. p), some allowed “block-level” elements (e.g. body), some allowed both (e.g. div), while other elements did not allow either category but only allowed other specific elements (e.g. dl, table), or did not allow any children at all (e.g. link, img, hr).
Notice the difference between an element itself being in a certain category, and having a content model of a certain category; for instance, the p element is itself a “block-level” element, but has a content model of “inline”.
To make it more confusing, HTML4 had different content model rules in its Strict, Transitional and Frameset flavors; for instance, in Strict, the body element allowed only “block-level” elements, but in Transitional, it allowed both “inline” and “block-level”.
To make things more confusing still, CSS uses the terms “block-level element” and “inline-level element” for its visual formatting model, which is related to CSS’s ‘display’ property and has nothing to do with HTML’s content model rules.
HTML does not use the terms “block-level” or “inline” as part of its content model rules, to reduce confusion with CSS. However, it has more categories than HTML4, and an element can be part of none of them, one of them, or several of them.
  • Metadata content, e.g. link, script.
  • Flow content, e.g. span, div, text. This is roughly like HTML4’s “block-level” and “inline” together.
  • Sectioning content, e.g. aside, section.
  • Heading content, e.g. h1.
  • Phrasing content, e.g. span, img, text. This is roughly like HTML4’s “inline”. Elements that are phrasing content are also flow content.
  • Embedded content, e.g. img, iframe, svg.
  • Interactive content, e.g. a, button, label. Interactive content is not allowed to be nested.
As a broad change from HTML4, HTML no longer has any element that only accepts what HTML4 called “block-level” elements; e.g. the body element now allows flow content. Thus, This is closer to HTML4 Transitional than HTML4 Strict.
Further changes include:
  • The address element now allows flow content, but with no heading content descendants, no sectioning content descendants, and no header, footer, or address element descendants.
  • HTML4 allowed object in head. HTML does not.
  • WHATWG HTML allows link and meta as descendants of body if they use microdata attributes.
  • The noscript element was a “block-level” element in HTML4, but is phrasing content in HTML.
  • The table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, ol, ul and dl elements are allowed to be empty in HTML.
  • Table elements have to conform to the table model (e.g. two cells are not allowed to overlap).
  • The table element now does not allow col elements as direct children. However, the HTML parser implies a colgroup element, so this change should not affect text/htmlcontent.
  • The table element now allows the tfoot element to be the last child.
  • The caption element now allows flow content, but with no descendant table elements.
  • The th element now allows flow content, but with no header, footer, sectioning content, or heading content descendants.
  • The a element now has a transparent content model (except it does not allow interactive content descendants), meaning that it has the same content model as its parent. This means that the a element can now contain e.g. div elements, if its parent allows flow content.
  • The ins and del elements also have a transparent content model. HTML4 had similar rules in prose that could not be expressed in the DTD.
  • The object element also has a transparent content model, after its param children.
  • The map element also has a transparent content model. The area element is considered phrasing content if there is a map element ancestor, which means that they do not need to be direct children of map.
  • The fieldset element no longer requires a legend child.

New APIs

HTML introduces a number of APIs that help in creating Web applications. These can be used together with the new elements introduced for applications:
WHATWG HTML has further APIs that are not in W3C HTML5 but are separate specifications at the W3C:


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