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Showing posts from May 31, 2016

Twitch API v3 for Android

Official website for Twitch API v3 Twitch gives API to access some data with and without authentication : Blocks Channels Channel Feed Chat Follows Games Ingests Search Streams Teams Users Videos In this post we will work on how to get the channels basic data like status,name,language,banner,profile banner,videos,streams and other things. There is a library for calling API callbacks called Java Twitch API Wrapper  this library is for Java projects not for Android. So what we will do is first we will create a Android application called TwitchApp: Next create a package named its as " twitchapis " and copy all the package from the "Java Twitch API Wrapper" project and paste it in " twitchapis " package. Add these library in your build.gradle: compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.6.1' compile '